Posts Category: Current

EuroGOOS visits the Australian GOOS Regional Alliance, Integrated Marine Observing System, IMOS

EuroGOOS and IMOS, the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System, are two of the thirteen GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs), working towards a global ocean observing system through national and regional programmes. Glenn Nolan was invited by Tim Moltmann, Director of IMOS, to present a European observing and forecasting perspective at the Australian Coastal and Oceans Modelling and Observations conference… Read more »

Helping Member States address marine pollution by harmful and noxious sustances

The HNS-MS project, Harmful and Noxious Sustances pollution of the Marine System, is funded by the European Commission’s DG ECHO and is ending on 31 December 2016. In Brussels on 13-14 December, the project is holding its final stakeholder meeting to present the project’s results including, among others, a decision-support tool for national maritime authorities and coastguard stations to forecast the… Read more »

EuroGOOS partnered with Mercator Ocean: towards fit-for-purpose in situ observations

EuroGOOS signed a contract with Mercator Ocean to promote sustained ocean observations and a strong connection with users of marine data products. The contract particularly addresses seaborne, in situ, observations and the uptake of Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS). Mercator Ocean is an EU Entrusted Entity with responsibility to deliver the CMEMS service within the current EU multi-annual financial framework… Read more »

Job opportunity at EuroGOOS Office

The EuroGOOS Office seeks an Administrator whose mission is to deliver financial and administrative tasks in support of the EuroGOOS team. The job is based in central Brussels at the EuroGOOS Office hosted by the Belgian Science Policy Office, BELSPO. EuroGOOS offers to the successful candidate a 3.5-year fixed contract and the opportunity to work… Read more »

Building a European Ocean Observing System, EOOS – summary of the European Parliament event

Download in PDF On 8 September, the first EOOS conference took place at the European Parliament hosted by Member of the European Parliament Ricardo Serrão Santos. The event, entitled ‘Building a European Ocean Observing System’ attracted over 70 participants from across Europe, as well as many representatives of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research… Read more »

The power of open-access interoperable marine data for the Blue Economy

The power of open-access interoperable marine data for the maritime sector: An untapped resource? Access to marine data and information: The role of European marine data portals in knowledge transfer How can publicly funded marine information sharing initiatives develop to meet industry user needs? What are the specific needs of SMEs? What are the bottlenecks… Read more »

High Frequency Radars – European survey

High Frequency Radar (HFR) technology offers a unique insight to coastal ocean variability by providing high-resolution data at the interface between ocean and atmosphere. HFR data measure currents with a relatively wide spatial coverage and high spatio-temporal resolution in near real time making them valuable operational oceanographic tools. In Europe, the use of HFR systems is growing… Read more »

EuroGOOS 2016 General Assembly: main outcomes

EuroGOOS 2016 General Assembly meeting took place from 25 to 27 May. Organized at the EuroGOOS headquarters in Brussels, the meeting brought together over 50 delegates from 40 organizations in 19 European states, as well as the European Commission, Regional Sea Conventions, and European networks. The Assembly opened with a special session on oceanographic products… Read more »