
Youth Mobile Film Competition for Black Sea

The DOORS Black Sea project has launched a mobile film competition inviting young people to ask DOORS scientists questions. Michael Rea, EuroGOOS, GeoEcoMar, and other DOORS partners have co-developed this call. They say that 60 seconds can change the world. Young people are invi… Read more » Read More >>

Open position at SOCIB: Postdoc Scientist Ocean Modeler for FOCCUS Project

The Modelling and Forecasting Facility of our member SOCIB is looking for a Postdoc Scientist Ocean Modeler with experience in multi-platform observing data assimilation. Particularly, the candidate will be responsible for improving WMOP model forecast skills through multi-platfo… Read more » Read More >>

Call for Abstracts – 1st Stakeholder Meeting of CIPM-STG-CENV

The CIPM Sectorial Task Group on Climate Change and Environment has been established to provide a global focal point for metrology activities related to climate change and environment. Abstracts for presentations/posters are invited that address progress on recommendations or new… Read more » Read More >>

Enhancing public impact: EuroGOOS survey on Ocean Literacy in ocean observing and forecasting

On 30 May, on the occasion of the European Maritime Day Conference, our Ocean Literacy Working Group is releasing a long-awaited survey on public engagement activities in oceanography. From visualisation of ocean data, to developing teaching materials, sharing scientific knowledg… Read more » Read More >>

Co-designing a pan-Arctic ocean observing alliance

EuroGOOS was a co-organiser of the sessions ‘Co-designing a pan-Arctic ocean observing alliance’ at the Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) 2024, in Edinburgh during Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW). The session featured a summary of the identified need for an Arctic alliance for ocea… Read more » Read More >>

New EuroGOOS data policy released in the Ocean Best Practices System

The new EuroGOOS data policy is now available on OBPS. This policy is the European implementation of the IOC Data Policy and Terms of Use adopted in 2023. It requires its members’ commitment to share core ocean data openly according to the FAIR principles and clear licences. By c… Read more » Read More >>

THALASSA 2024 Marine Sciences Conference (Register now)

  Thalassa 2024: Marine Sciences Conference aims to explore and identify the challenges faced by marine and coastal environments and propose ways to tackle them. It will also facilitate discussions between experts and provide a platform for participants to network for future… Read more » Read More >>

Invitation to Contribute Articles (Frontiers in Ocean Observing)

In December 2024, The Oceanography Society plans to publish its third supplement to Oceanography magazine on “Frontiers in Ocean Observing”. Letters of interest should be emailed to Oceanography Editor Ellen Kappel ( by March 15, 2024, and should contain the… Read more » Read More >>

EuroGOOS has been endorsed as an implementing partner of the UN Ocean Decade! 

Launched in January 2021, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the ‘Ocean Decade’, provides a convening framework for a wide range of stakeholders across the world to engage and collaborate outside their traditional communities to tr… Read more » Read More >>

EOOS Technology Forum 2024 at Oceanology International (Register your interest)

  The 2024 EOOS Technology Forum “Catching the momentum in ocean observing technology: optimising value and data provision” will take place on the 13 March 2024 at the Oceanology International, Excel, London (09:45-17:45 UTC). To increase the value and sustainability of ocea… Read more » Read More >>

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