Past Events

Date(s) Event Location Photos
20/10/2015 First EMODnet Open Conference De Grote Post, Oostende
19/10/2015 Final meeting of the Marine Observation and Data Expert Group InnovOcean site
15/10/2015 EuroGOOS Executive Board Meeting EuroGOOS office
14/10/2015 EuroGOOS Exec. Board and Chairs Meeting EuroGOOS office
12/10/2015 - 14/10/2015 FixO3 general assembly week Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
07/10/2015 - 08/10/2015 EMODnet Atlantic check-point kick-off meeting EuroGOOS office
05/10/2015 - 06/10/2015 Our Ocean conference Sheraton Miramar Hotel
05/10/2015 - 07/10/2015 EMODnet Med checkpoint annual meeting EuroGOOS office
05/10/2015 - 09/10/2015 Danish Maritime Days Terminal 1
28/09/2015 - 01/10/2015 JERICO-NEXT week / kick-off meeting Mallorca