Bio-ecological Observations in Operational Oceanography- EuroGOOS Publication No.15 October 2000
BOOS Plan (2000)
BOOS Plan Baltic Operational Oceanographic System 1999 – 2003
Operational Oceanography: Data Requirements Survey (1999)
Operational Oceanography: Data Requirements Survey- EuroGOOS Publication No. 12 February 1999 EG99.04
The Mediterranean Forecasting System Science Plan (1998)
The Mediterranean Forecasting System Science Plan- EU-MAST Project MAS3-CT98-0171.
The EuroGOOS Atlantic Workshop Report (1998)
The EuroGOOS Atlantic Workshop Report- EuroGOOS Publication No. 9 May 1998 EG97.14
The Science Base of EuroGOOS (1998)
The Science Base of EuroGOOS edited by D Prandle and N C Flemming.
The EuroGOOS Marine Technology Survey (1998)
The EuroGOOS Marine Technology Survey (1998) by J Bosman, N C Flemming, N Holden and K Taylor. EuroGOOS Publication No. 4 January 1998 EG97.14.
Director’s Report for 1996-97
The EuroGOOS Plan (1997)
The EuroGOOS Plan- EuroGOOS Publication No. 3, 5 February 1997
The Strategy for EuroGOOS (1996)
The Strategy for EuroGOOS- EuroGOOS Publication No.1