Sustainable Operational Oceanography- Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on EuroGOOS 4–6 October 2011, Sopot, Poland
Recommendations for a Pan-European data management system for operational oceanography (2010)
Recommendations for Real-Time Quality Control procedures for physical parameters (2010)
Sustainable Marine Environmental Information Services
Sustainable Marine Environmental Information Services to Meet Collective European Needs- Dr Peter Ryder CB FRMetS
IBI-ROOS Plan: Iberia Biscay Ireland Regional Operational Oceanographic System 2006–2010 The EuroGOOS Iberia Biscay Ireland Task Team: Co-chairs Sylvie Pouliquen and Alicia Lavín
Recommendations for in-situ data Real Time Quality Control
Recommendations for in-situ data Real Time Quality Control – Authors: Sylvie Pouliquen and the DATA-MEQ working group
FerryBox EU Project
FerryBox: From On-line Oceanographic Observations to Environmental Information- EU Project FerryBox 2002–2005
Need for an Arctic GOOS
The Arctic Ocean and the Need for an Arctic GOOS The EuroGOOS Arctic Task Team: Stein Sandven, Ola M. Johannessen, Eberhard Fahrbach, Erik Buch, Howard Cattle, Leif Toudal Pedersen and Timo Vihma
Policy Basis of the “Ecosystem Approach” to Fisheries Management
The Policy Basis of the “Ecosystem Approach” to Fisheries Management- W R Turrell
Operational Ocean Observations from Space (2001)
Operational Ocean Observations from Space- EuroGOOS Publication No.16 May 2001