Posts Tagged: 2016
2016 11 29-30 EuroGOOS ExecBoard-Chairs Mtg Agenda-dft V3
EG EB-Chairs Mtg 29-30.11.2016 Participants DFT
EuroGOOS Office Overview For Exec Board May 2016 Combined GN
GEOSS For Europe EuroGOOS Booth Animation for GEO-XIII (mp4)
Featured at the European Commission’s main booth at GEO-XIII week in St. Peterburg, Russia
EOOS Progress
EOOS Poster 2016 A0
EOOS Consultation 2016

Consultation document on developing a European Ocean Observing System, EOOS, prepared by the EOOS steering group as a background document for an open stakeholder consultation.
EuroGOOS TGTT Sideevent OSTTAltimetry 2016