MET Norway provides the public with meteorological services for both civil and military purposes. The institute is to provide services for the authorities, commerce and industry, institutions and the general public for the protection of their interests, for the protection of life and property, for planning and for the protection of the environment. The official duties of MET Norway include:
- Issue weather forecasts
- Study the national climatological conditions and produce climatological reports
- Provide meteorological observations from Norway, adjacent sea areas, and from the Svalbard area
- Carry out research and development in support of the institute’s operational functions to ensure that the services are of the highest possible standard
- Make available the results of our work
- Provide special services for the public and private interests on a commercial basis
- Participate in international meteorological co-operation.
The activities consist of the so called core activities that are financed by the Government of Norway and the commercial services. The former includes observations, research and development, weather forecasting and climatological serves. The latter includes delivery of tailored products and services to accommodate individual customers’ requirements, services for aviation, commercial climatological services, and commissions and reports.
The institute has an extensive national and international co-operation. Norway is a member of the World Meteorological Organization, the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites.
MET Norway is situated in Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø.

Forecasting at MET Norway: nested model suite with a large Arctic20km grid, an intermediate Nordic4km grid and a small coastal 800m grid (left); focus on the Norwegian coast (from the Nordic4km and NorKyst800m models) (right). Credit: MET Norway