Deltares is the new Dutch institute for Delta Technology. It started on 1 January 2008 and is a new and independent institute for applied research and specialist advice. Together parts of Rijkswaterstaat /DWW, RIKZ and RIZA, WL | Delft Hydraulics, GeoDelft, and a part of TNO Built Environment and Geosciences are forming the Deltares Institute. The institute employs more than 800 people.
Deltares has a unique combination of knowledge and experience in the field of water, soil and the subsurface. It is frontrunner in the development, distribution and application of knowledge for meeting the challenges in the physical planning, design and management of vulnerable deltas, coastal areas and river basins.
Deltares works for and cooperates with Dutch government, provinces and water boards, international governments, knowledge institutes and market parties. The institute is located in two cities: Delft and Utrecht.
Deltares has been involved in the CoBiOS project (Coastal Biomass Observatory Services), relevant with operational water quality. The Algal Bloom Observation Service can be found here.

Dutch Continental Shelf Model. Credit: Deltares