EU H2020 JERICO Next, September 2015-August 2019

JERICO Next aims at strengthening and enlarging the network of European operational services coastal seas. The project supports the European coastal research communities and enables free and open access to data. Furthermore, JERICO Next serves to showcase the adequacy of observing technologies and strategies and aims at proposing a medium-term roadmap for coastal observatories through a permanent dialogue with stakeholders.

EuroGOOS is primarily involved in the work on data availability, leading the work package on data management, as well as policy and distribution in the coastal ocean, fostering integrated science strategy and governance on both local to European scales. Furthermore, EuroGOOS helps ensuring synergy with other European and international networks, and contributes to the development of observations from high-frequency radars through the activities of the EuroGOOS HF Radar Task Team.

JERICO-NEXT D5.1 Recommendation On A Free And Open Data Access Policy 2017

Preparation of a document with recommendations on open and free data policy as derived from IOC, WMO, ICES and other organisation documentations.

661.33 KB JERICO-NEXT D5.1 Recommendation On A Free And Open Data Access Policy 2017

JERICO-NEXT D5.3 Specifications For A European FerryBox Data Management System 2017

Document describing the roadmap for FerryBox data at a European level, from data provider to end user.

754.98 KB JERICO-NEXT D5.3 Specifications For A European FerryBox Data Management System 2017

JERICO-NEXT-D5.16 Linking JERICO-NEXT Activities To A Virtual Access Infrastructure 2017

Adapting JERICO-NEXT activities to a Virtual Access infrastructure: Survey on the existing technologies - Needs and requirements for the adaptation.

986.78 KB JERICO-NEXT-D5.16 Linking JERICO-NEXT Activities To A Virtual Access Infrastructure 2017