Fixed platforms are located in various areas of the European seas, to carry out a large variety of measurements. The EuroGOOS Fixed Platforms Task Team aims at integrating the European fixed point observatories, both in the open and coastal ocean. As all EuroGOOS Task Teams, this activity is an important building block towards an integrated end-to-end European Ocean Observing System, EOOS.
The Task Team reports to EuroGOOS Executive Board and General Assembly.
The EuroGOOS Fixed Platform Task Team aims to:
- Develop Europe’s Fixed Platform network and assist in the standardization of operations by sharing best practices, also in keeping with other relevant programmes at global level (such as OOI, ONC, IMOS, DONET).
- Contribute to the development of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS).
- Ensure the integration of Fixed Platforms in open and coastal ocean.
- Provide European input to the OceanSites community and other relevant initiatives.
- Enhance the number of biogeochemical measurements in European seas.
- Ensure data availability via the EuroGOOS ROOS data portals and hence to CMEMS and EMODnet.
- Deliver recommendations on data structure, format, and dissemination (interoperability of datasets) and quality control procedures.
- Foster the co-operation with Research Vessel operators in terms of existing networks, projects, and other relevant coordination initiatives with large and well-equipped facilities (e.g., ERVO, OFEG and EurofleetsPlus project).
- Establish a link with DBCP (Data Buoy Cooperation Panel) and E-SURFMAR in order to coordinate activities and best practices.
- Link with EuroGOOS ROOSes, Working Groups and Task Teams and relevant ongoing programmes/projects (e.g., CMEMS INSTAC, EMODnet, JERICO-RI, etc.) and Research Infrastructures (such as EMSO ERIC) to avoid duplication of efforts.
List of Members
- Marcello Magaldi, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy
- Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN), Poland
- Andrew Gates, National Oceanography Centre (NOC), UK
- Arianna Orasi, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy
- Branko Čermelj, National Institute of Biology (NIB), Slovenia
- Carl Johan Andersson, Swedish Meteorological and hydrological institute (SMHI), Sweeden
- Conall O’Malley, Marine Institute (MI), Ireland
- Dijana Klaric, Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ), Croatia
- Giuditta Marinaro, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Italy
- Jitze P. van der Meulen, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Netherlands
- Kai Herklotz, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Germany
- Laurent Coppola, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
- Marcello Magaldi, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy
- Marta de Alfonso Alonso-Muñoyerro, Puertos del Estado (PdE), Spain
- Michael Fettweis, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), OD NATURE, Belgium
- Michel Repecaud, French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), France
- Nuno Zacarias, Hydrographic Institute (IH), Portugal
- Paris Pagonis, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Greece
- Pieter Gurdebeke, Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services (MDK), Coastal Division, Belgium
- Raquel Somavilla, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Spain
- Sólveig Rósa Ólafsdóttir, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (HAFRO), Iceland
- Urmas Lips, Tallinn University of Technology, Marine Systems Institute (MSI), Estonia
- Vanessa Cardin, National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), Italy
- Vlad Radulescu, National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology – GeoEcoMar, Romania
- Nikolas Flourentzou, Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute, Cyprus
- Mustafa Yücel, Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey
- Angelika Renner, Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway
EuroGOOS Facilitation:
- Dina Eparkhina, Senior Policy Officer
- Presentations from the first Task Team meeting held virtually on 25 March 2021 available HERE
- Presentation to the EuroGOOS General Assemby 3-5 May 2021 HERE
- Presentations of the second Task Team meeting held virtually on 11 October 2021 available HERE
- Presentations of the third Task Team meeting held virtually on 6 April 2022 available HERE
- Presentations of the Fourth Task Team meeting held in Rome (CNR) on 4-5 April 2023 available HERE
Terms of Reference
Fixed Platforms Terms of Reference |
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