Webinar: Introducing a Marine Arctic Data Portal


EuroGOOS, together with EMODnet (Physics, Data Ingestion), CMEMS INSTAC and the Copernicus In Situ Coordination Group, have taken the initiative to establish a dedicated Marine Arctic Data Portal with the purpose to:

  • Provide marine Arctic in-situ data easily accessible and freely available for any users;
  • Support European data integrator infrastructures (CMEMS, EMODnet and SDN) with relevant data;
  • Unlock existing data from a variety of projects not yet freely and openly exchanged;
  • Show the current extend of observing system platforms in the Arctic region.

The Marine Arctic Data Portal will be presented to interested stakeholders during a webinar on 27 November. 

More information and the agenda can be found in the flyer of the event: [wpfilebase tag=file id=892  tpl=simple / ]

Click here to register.


