NOOS Annual Meeting 2023

12/09/2023 - 14/09/2023

The EuroGOOS North West European Shelf Operational Oceanographic System (NOOS) will host its Annual Meeting in Bergen on 12-14 September, at MET.NO premises, Bergen, Norway. The meeting will also include a NOOS workshop on eye-opening talks selected by the hosting country.

The meeting will include the following sessions:

  • NOOS Workshop
  • Progress reports by NOOS chair and NOOS working group leaders
  • NOOS members session : a series of 10″-15″ presentations to share any developments made at national or Institute level in link with operational oceanography
  • EuroGOOS session: A series of presentations by EuroGOOS office, EuroGOOS chair, and NOOS ambassadors to EuroGOOS ROOSes, Tast Teams and Working Groups.
  • Pan-European developments: Updates from CMEMS, JERICO-RI, EOOS, DITO, UN Decade initiatives, OSPAR, EMSA,  ICES, etc.
  • NOOS business meeting (NOOS strategy, Memorandum of Understanding, working plan for 2023-2024, voting)

Met Norway

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