- Renaissance Brussels Hotel
- Rue du Parnasse 19, Brussels
- Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU
- Rue Wiertz 77, Brussels, 1000
- Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EU
- Rue Wiertz 77, Brussels, 1000
- Residence Palace
- Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels, 1040
- Reveljen
- Skeppet Ärans Väg 11, Gothenburg
- Riga
- Riga, Riga
- Riga, Latvia
- Riga, Riga
- Rijkswaterstaat
- Laan op Zuid 45, Rotterdam
- Robert Paine Scripps Forum for Science, Society and the Environment (Scripps Seaside Forum)
- 8610 Kennel Way, La Jolla, California
- Rome
- Rome, Rome