27/06/2016 - 28/06/2016
OECD Ocean Economy Group and the AtlantOS project are holding a scoping workshop on Exploring the Economic Potential of Data from Ocean Observatories. The workshop will focus on the socio-economic valuation of ocean observatories and discuss possible next steps on improving the international knowledge base. Glenn Nolan, EuroGOOS Secretary General, will deliver a talk on case studies within the development of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS).
This workshop is being held as part of two international efforts. The first is the OECD work on oceans, which recently published their report on The Ocean Economy in 2030, an output of a 2 year project on the Future of the Ocean Economy (EuroGOOS news piece here). The second is a the EU project AtlantOS, developing an integrated ocean observatory network for the Atlantic Ocean.
Steigenberger Conti Hansa Kiel