
The European Union’s EU4Ocean initiative connects diverse organisations, projects, and people that contribute to ocean literacy and the sustainable management of the ocean. Supported by the European Commission, this bottom-up inclusive initiative aims at uniting the voices of Europeans to make the ocean a concern of everyone.

EuroGOOS is a founding member of the EU4Ocean coalition. Since December 2022, our office is also actively contributing to the second wave of the EU4Ocean implementation, coordinated by Acteon, France. This work goes hand in hand with the EuroGOOS Scientists for Ocean Literacy project of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.

The EU4Ocean coalition is:

  • Contributing to enhancing awareness and the engagement of all parties involved in the sustainable management of our ocean and seas;
  • Helping its members to become ocean advocates in their own field/role/region;
  • Contributing to the implementation of the EU marine and maritime policies and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030.

Discover the EU4Ocean coalition on the EU Maritime Forum.