Horizon 2020 DOORS Project earns Best Project Award at CMA Conference

DOORS received the “Best Project Award” for the Category “Competitive, Innovative and Sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea”. The DOORS team was awarded the prize at the Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda Stakeholder Conference 2024, held in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on 11-12 September 2024.

H2020 DOORS (Developing Optimal and Open Research Support in the Black Sea) aims to put in practice the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Its activities are focussed along three main pillars:

  • Bringing together in a harmonized way and through a single data viewer (the System of Systems) the existing information regarding the physical processes in the Black Sea;
  • Supporting the development of Blue Economy via the Blue Growth Accelerator; and
  • Support the training and transfer of knowledge to transform the Black Sea into a healthy and productive marine basin.

DOORS brings together 35 institutions from the Black Sea region and other European countries. As partner, EuroGOOS is leading the DOORS stakeholder engagement strategy.