A first scoring approach for evaluating the European Ocean Observing CommunityAbed El Rahman Hassoun, Toste Tanhua, Emma Heslop, Inga Lips, Marta Álvarez, George Petihakis, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Dimitris Velaoras, Michele Giani, Hermann W. Bange, Christian Lønborg, and Johannes Karstensen. A first scoring approach for evaluating the European Ocean Observing Community. Front. Mar. Sci., 10 December 2024. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2024.1466820 |
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Towards a sustained and fit-for-purpose European ocean observing and forecasting systemToste Tanhua, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Nicole Köstner, Dina Eparkhina, Gabriel Navarro, Martha Bonnet Dunbar, Sabrina Speich, Ananda Pascual, Karina von Schuckmann, Giovanni Liguori 7,8, Johannes Karstensen, Abed El Rahman Hassoun, Erik van Doorn, Bàrbara Barcelo´ -Llull 6, Begoña Perez Gomez, |
1.81 MB |
Ocean Literacy in European Oceanographic AgenciesFrom local and national to global levels, Ocean Literacy enables science to engage with policy and society on the topics of ocean sustainability, observations and research. This policy brief provides our recommendations for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. |
4.43 MB |
EuroGOOS 2030 StrategyTowards sustained ocean observing and operational oceanography services that benefit the European society and are supported by it. |
1.01 MB |
L'océan est ma maison
French version of the original EuroGOOS ocean literacy book 'The Ocean Is My Home' (Dina Eparkhina and Karri Lehtonen, EuroGOOS, 2017) translated from English in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS. |
9.99 MB |
Operational Modeling Capacity in European Seas— A EuroGOOS Perspective and Recommendations for ImprovementCapet A, Fernández V, She J, Dabrowski T, Umgiesser G, Staneva J, Mészáros L, Campuzano F, Ursella L, Nolan G, El Serafy G. 2020. Operational Modeling Capacity in European Seas—An EuroGOOS Perspective and Recommendations for Improvement. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 129. |
1.81 MB |
El océano es mi casaSpanish version of the original EuroGOOS ocean literacy book 'The Ocean Is My Home' (Dina Eparkhina and Karri Lehtonen, EuroGOOS, 2017) translated from English in collaboration with the Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System, SOCIB. |
3.56 MB |
Ocean Observing and Ocean Literacy (2019)This EuroGOOS poster presented at the OceanObs'19 Conference explains why ocean observing and ocean literacy are a win-win deal and what EuroGOOS is working on in this respect |
3.57 MB |
The Role of Stakeholders in Creating Societal Value From Coastal and Ocean ObservationsMackenzie B, Celliers L, Assad LPdF, Heymans JJ, Rome N, Thomas J, Anderson C, Behrens J, Calverley M, Desai K, DiGiacomo PM, Djavidnia S, dos Santos F, Eparkhina D, Ferrari J, Hanly C, Houtman B, Jeans G, Landau L, Larkin K, Legler D, Le Traon P-Y, Lindstrom E, Loosley D, Nolan G, Petihakis G, Pellegrini J, Roberts Z, Siddorn JR, Smail E, Sousa-Pinto I, Terrill E. 2019. The role of stakeholders and actors in creating societal value from coastal and ocean observations. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 137. |
6.73 MB |
O oceano é a minha casaPortuguese translation of the original EuroGOOS ocean literacy book 'The Ocean Is My Home' (Eparkhina D., Lehtonen K., EuroGOOS 2017) by the Observatório do Mar dos Açores, OMA, and the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, IPMA. Launched at the European Maritime Day 2019 in Lisbon. |
3.85 MB |
L’oceano è la mia casa
Italian translation of the original EuroGOOS ocean literacy book 'The Ocean Is My Home' (Eparkhina D., Lehtonen K., EuroGOOS 2017) by Elena Giusta of the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA. |
11.29 MB |
EuroGOOS 2017 58Proceedings of the 8th International EuroGOOS Conference 'Operational Oceanography Serving Sustainable Marine Development', 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway |
54.85 MB |
The Ocean Is My HomeWhat most people know about the ocean’s ecosystem and economic services, and the importance of ocean data and information to maintain and advance those services, varies greatly. This book is written for children and their parents as a basis for dialogue between them, ultimately for better decisions related to ocean health and sustainability. To access translated versions please click the links below: French | Spanish | Italian | Portuguese |
22.66 MB |
EuroGOOS Ferrybox Whitepaper 2017Scientific and technical description of the FerryBox instrument for automatic measurements of a series of environmental oceanographic parameters. |
2.32 MB |
EuroGOOS Brochure (2017)What, Why and How of EuroGOOS are presented in brief descriptions and infographics. Discover why EuroGOOS is a unique forum for operational oceanography and how we work and partner within Europe and the world. |
1.24 MB |
Copernicus Marine Service and In Situ ObservationsEuropean in situ ocean observing as feeding the European ocean data aggregators Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Services, EMODnet, and SeaDataNet. We delivered this infographic in September 2017 for CMEMS, within our project with Mercator Ocean International. |
231.51 KB |
EuroGOOS Tide Gauge Note to Policy 2017Tide gauge measurements provide critical sea-level data but the operations are not sustained for some networks. |
260.40 KB |
European FerryBox Network EuroGOOS 2017European Network of FerryBoxes established as a EuroGOOS Task Team promotes the FerryBox technology and European integration and data exchange. |
434.48 KB |
EuroGOOS 2017 Conference PrioritiesEvery three years EuroGOOS brings together a broad range of implementers and users of oceanographic services. The conference reviews the present ocean monitoring and forecasting capacities and oceanographic services and identifies new science and technology priorities. |
124.62 KB |
EuroGOOS 2014 58Operational Oceanography for Sustainable Blue Growth - Proceedings of the Seventh EuroGOOS International Conference, 28-30 October 2014, Lisbon, Portugal |
9.10 MB |
EOOS Consultation 2016Consultation document on developing a European Ocean Observing System, EOOS, prepared by the EOOS steering group as a background document for an open stakeholder consultation. |
740.63 KB |
EuroGOOS Policy BriefEuropean Oceanography: Delivering services for Blue Growth and ecosystem-based management. |
1.08 MB |
EuroGOOS The Benefits of Membership (2015)EuroGOOS operates as both national, regional and international levels, offering its members a unique forum for collaboration, networking and new opportunities. This brochure explains member benefits at all those levels. |
293.30 KB |
6th EuroGOOS 58 (2011)Sustainable Operational Oceanography- Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on EuroGOOS 4–6 October 2011, Sopot, Poland |
49.56 MB |
Policy Basis of the “Ecosystem Approach” to Fisheries ManagementThe Policy Basis of the “Ecosystem Approach” to Fisheries Management- W R Turrell |
696.34 KB |
Operational Ocean Observations from Space (2001)Operational Ocean Observations from Space- EuroGOOS Publication No.16 May 2001 |
7.28 MB |
Bio-ecological Observations in Operational Oceanography (2000)Bio-ecological Observations in Operational Oceanography- EuroGOOS Publication No.15 October 2000 |
872.79 KB |