RBINS-OD Nature installs autonomous radiometer system to measure ocean colour

Source: MUMM News and Announcements, 01 June 2014

RBINS – OD Nature, founding member of EuroGOOS,  has recently installed an autonomous radiometer system on the offshore fixed platform MOW1 near Zeebrugge. This system measures the light that is reflected by the water in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions providing detailed information on the ocean colour of the water.

This system is part of the larger Aerosol Robotic network for Ocean Color of radiometers installed all over the world (AERONET-OC). This network is managed by NASA. The main application of the AERONET-OC data is the calibration and validation of the ocean colour products for current and future satellite missions over a variety of complex coastal waters. This calibration/validation tool is necessary to optimise the next generation of coastal water products which will be used by OD Nature for reporting obligations on the state of the Belgian part of the North Sea for the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Fore more information: http://www.mumm.ac.be/EN/News/index.php