COLUMBUS 3rd Conference Programme 24.01.2018 Brussels
Abstract IOC OceanLiteracyConf Dec.2017 EuroGOOS Eparkhina
AtlantOS D1.1 Initial Requirements Report 2018

Initial description from ongoing work of the societal imperatives for sustained Atlantic Ocean observations, the phenomena to observe, EOVs, and contributing observing networks.
The Ocean Is My Home

What most people know about the ocean’s ecosystem and economic services, and the importance of ocean data and information to maintain and advance those services, varies greatly. This book is written for children and their parents as a basis for dialogue between them, ultimately for better decisions related to ocean health and sustainability. To access… Read more »
EuroGOOS Ferrybox Whitepaper 2017

Scientific and technical description of the FerryBox instrument for automatic measurements of a series of environmental oceanographic parameters.
EuroGOOS Conference Programme
EuroGOOS Conference Posters
EuroGOOS Brochure (2017)

What, Why and How of EuroGOOS are presented in brief descriptions and infographics. Discover why EuroGOOS is a unique forum for operational oceanography and how we work and partner within Europe and the world.