FORCOAST Project Flyer

FORCOAST is an EU-funded project involving public and private sectors to improve the business uptake of the Copernicus Earth Observation services. FORCOAST will develop, test and demonstrate in pilot areas innovative services based on satellite information from Copernicus Marine, Land and Climate Services, local in-situ information and advanced numerical modelling techniques.
CV Enrique Alvarez Fanjul
EG GA2018 2.3 K Angell-Hansen JPI Oceans
2018 General Assembly
EuroGOOS TG Workshop La Rochelle Agenda
2016 01 27-28 EuroGOOS ExecBoard Mtg RPT DFT
Doc01 EuroGOOS GA2016 Agenda-dft
3 EuroGOOS GA2018 DocumentsList
EG GA2018 2.4 PY Le Traon CMEMS Mercator Ocean
2018 General Assembly
EG GA2018 2.1 Fischer Ryabinin Decade GOOS For EuroGOOS GA
2018 General Assembly