EG GA 2018 P Gorringe Data Policy
El océano es mi casa

Spanish version of the original EuroGOOS ocean literacy book ‘The Ocean Is My Home’ (Dina Eparkhina and Karri Lehtonen, EuroGOOS, 2017) translated from English in collaboration with the Balearic Islands Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System, SOCIB.
Ocean Observing and Ocean Literacy (2019)

This EuroGOOS poster presented at the OceanObs’19 Conference explains why ocean observing and ocean literacy are a win-win deal and what EuroGOOS is working on in this respect
Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report

De Young B, Visbeck M, de Araujo Filho MC, Baringer MO, Black CA, Buch E, Canonico G, Coelho P, Duha JT, Edwards M, Fischer AS, Fritz J-S, Ketelhake S, Muelbert JH, Monteiro P, Nolan G, O’Rourke E, Ott M, Le Traon PY, Pouliquen S, Sousa-Pinto I, Tanhua T, Velho F, Willis Z. 2019. An integrated… Read more »
What We Have Learned From the Framework for Ocean Observing: Evolution of the Global Ocean Observing System

Tanhua T, McCurdy A, Fischer A, Appeltans W, Bax N, Currie K, DeYoung B, Dunn D, Heslop E, Glover LK, Gunn J, Hill K, Ishii M, Legler D, Lindstrom E, Miloslavich P, Moltmann T, Nolan G, Palacz A, Simmons S, Sloyan B, Smith LM, Smith N, Telszewski M, Visbeck M, Wilkin J. 2019. What we… Read more »
An Integrated All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System in 2030

De Young B, Visbeck M, de Araujo Filho MC, Baringer MO, Black CA, Buch E, Canonico G, Coelho P, Duha JT, Edwards M, Fischer AS, Fritz J-S, Ketelhake S, Muelbert JH, Monteiro P, Nolan G, O’Rourke E, Ott M, Le Traon PY, Pouliquen S, Sousa-Pinto I, Tanhua T, Velho F, Willis Z. 2019. An integrated… Read more »
The Role of Stakeholders in Creating Societal Value From Coastal and Ocean Observations

Mackenzie B, Celliers L, Assad LPdF, Heymans JJ, Rome N, Thomas J, Anderson C, Behrens J, Calverley M, Desai K, DiGiacomo PM, Djavidnia S, dos Santos F, Eparkhina D, Ferrari J, Hanly C, Houtman B, Jeans G, Landau L, Larkin K, Legler D, Le Traon P-Y, Lindstrom E, Loosley D, Nolan G, Petihakis G, Pellegrini… Read more »