Fixed Platforms_Presentation to the EuroGOOS General Assembly
COINS Report on emerging observations for Copernicus Arctic Service (Sept 2021)
Assessing Potential of emerging obsrevations for Copernicus Arctic Service
Kostas Nittis Award_ToR_2020
2021 EuroGOOS EGA Doc 2.1 EuroGOOS ToR OL WG_Draft Vs2
2021 EuroGOOS EGA Final Report
2021 EuroGOOS EGA Doc 1.3. List of Documents
2021 EuroGOOS EGA Doc 1.2 List of Participants
2021 EuroGOOS EGA Doc 1.1 Agenda
EuroGOOS Conference (2021) Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the 9th International EuroGOOS Conference ‘Advances in Operational Oceanography: Expanding Europe’s Ocean Observing and Forecasting Capacity’, 3-5 May 2021, virtual edition