Copernicus Marine Service In-situ Thematic Assembly Centre, May 2015-April 2018
Mercator Ocean-EuroGOOS contract, Sept. 2016-June 2018
European Environment Agency Foundations project, Sept. 2016-Sept.2018
EuroGOOS is contributing to the operation of the Copernicus Marine Service through a broad range of activities, working with the entrusted entity of the Copernicus Marine Service, Mercator Ocean, the Copernicus Marine Service In-situ Assembly Centre, and with the European Environment Agency, delegated coordinator of the Copernicus in situ component across all services.
This work is focused on integrating the disparate components of the in situ ocean observation in Europe, feeding into the development of a sustained and fit-for-purpose European Ocean Observing System.
EuroGOOS partnered with Mercator Ocean to promote the importance of integrated ocean observing and a strong connection with users of marine data products. The work particularly addresses in situ (in water) observations and the uptake of Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS). The Mercator Ocean-EuroGOOS contract helps build closer links with national ocean observing programmes towards a fit-for-purpose Copernicus Marine Service. EuroGOOS collects and assesses information about the current in situ systems in Europe and determines priority actions towards a long-term integration. Furthermore, EuroGOOS delivers targeted communication to improve the awareness of the European policy and decision-makers of the importance of the in situ marine observations, and complementarities between the leading European marine data initiatives and services, namely Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet and SeaDataNet.
EuroGOOS also works as a facilitator in the Copernicus Marine Service In-situ Thematic Assembly Centre coordinated by Ifremer. In this role EuroGOOS helps establish contacts with relevant projects and infrastructure programmes on ocean observations.
Furthermore, EuroGOOS was partner in the European Environment Agency (EEA) project titled Foundations. The Foundations project delivers expert advice to the EEA supporting their role in the European in situ data coordination for the Copernicus services. The project consists of two lots. Lot 1 brings together EUMETNET, EuroGOOS and ICOS, with EUMETNET being the lot’s coordinator. The partners advise the EEA in the areas of in situ meteorological and ocean observation networks, climate datasets, atmospheric chemistry observation and data management. This brings Copernicus services up to date with the networks’ capability and helps evaluate future requirements and gaps to be filled to improve their service.
Copernicus and Research Infrastructures 2017Thematic Report on Research Infrastructures and Copernicus. |
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