25/05/2016 - 27/05/2016
EuroGOOS annual meeting of the general assembly will take place at the EuroGOOS headquarters in Brussels. This year, a special session will be organized on 25 May to discuss oceanographic products for various users, in particular policy and industry. Speakers will include representatives from the European Commission, JRC, EuroGOOS ROOSes and members.
The open session on 26 May will be dedicated to the EuroGOOS activities in data management, regional (ROOS) and pan-European (EOOS) coordination, and strategic working groups. The formal meeting on 27 May will discuss new activities, including the proposal for two new EuroGOOS task teams on animal-borne instruments and fixed platforms. Furthermore, Executive Board elections will take place that day.
EuroGOOS AISBL, Brussels, Belgium