The 2nd EuroSea Anniversary Webinar will take place on 25 November 2021, 15:30-17:30 CET. The event will bring together the EuroSea stakeholders and users to take stock of the anticipated impacts of the project’s work and discuss the EuroSea contributions to pan-European and global ocean observing and policy.
EuroSea is a large European Union project helping stakeholders to co-design European ocean observing and forecasting services and products that deliver information and support decision-making in the areas of climate, coastal and maritime activities, and ocean health.
This short and informative webinar will feature EuroSea scientists and representatives of international and intergovernmental organizations discussing the implementation of an interdisciplinary European ocean observing and forecasting system, responsive to the European policies in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Many members of EuroGOOS community are contributing to EuroSea and will present innovations or best practices at this event.
Programme and registration are available here.