Klaus Töpfer, former executive director of UNEP, speaking about resource efficiency challenge in the marine environment
With the motto “HOPE for our seas and oceans”, the HOPE conference (Healthy Oceans Productive Ecosystems) held in Brussels 3-4 March 2014 brought together government, NGOs, academia, industry and other stakeholders working with or in relation to the European marine environment, giving them the opportunity to discuss progress made during the last 5 years, when the MSFD was adopted by member states.
Over 400 enthusiastic participants convened in Charlemagne, one of EC’s central buildings in Schuman, and expressed their views and concerns towards the implementation of the MSFD. The conference took place soon after the publication of the Commission’s report on the first phase of implementation of the MSFD, showing that more efforts are urgently needed if the EU is to reach its goal of a healthy and productive marine environment.
The conference was structured along a “status-pressures-solutions” line. Most EU environment Ministers were present during the first day, to talk about the challenges faced at national level with regard to the implementation of the MSFD. Distinguished marine scientists, NGOs and local decision makers had their say about how Europe can hope for cleaner and productive seas. Human-induced pressures in the marine environment including marine litter and eutrophication received special attention as an entire session was dedicated to this matter. The participants called on immediate action on the political level as well as more regional co-operation when dealing with marine environmental problems (day 2). A declaration was issued following the end of the conference.
For more information, please visit the conference website.
For background documents please click here.