SeaDataNet II third annual meeting

24/09/2014 - 25/09/2014

The SeaDataNet II third annual meeting will take place on September 24-26, 2014 in Split (Croatia) at Kinoteka „Zlatna vrata“ (Cinematheque Golden Gate).

This meeting will be organised by the INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERIES. It will be 2 full days meeting (24-25 September), 1 day excursion (26 September).

More information can be found here.

At the end of the first day there will be a special session with EMODnet Physics where EuroGOOS & ROOS’s will participate. The purpose of the session is to better cooperate between ROOS’s (and their members) and NODCs for more time series archival in SeaDataNet.


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