International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems

11/10/2016 - 13/10/2016

The IMDIS 2016 conference will demonstrate the existing marine information and data and showcase the progress in infrastructure and management.

IMDIS 2016 will be organised in four sessions:

1. Marine information and data management

  • Exchange, processing and interactive work with marine data sets from highly heterogeneous sources
  • Federation and integration
  • Network services and technologies

2. Marine environmental data bases: infrastructures and data access systems

  • Coastal and deep-sea operational oceanography metadata/data systems
  • Physical and bio-chemical databases for climate studies
  • Geophysical and geological metadata/data systems

3. Data Services in ocean science

  • Standards and quality-assurance issues
  • Services and Visualisation tools oriented services

4. Services for Users and Education

  • Historical evolution in data collection and management
  • Tools for dissemination
  • Test bed development for educational purposes

Further information and registration on the conference website
