EuroGOOS partnered with Mercator Ocean: towards fit-for-purpose in situ observations

CMEMSEuroGOOS signed a contract with Mercator Ocean to promote sustained ocean observations and a strong connection with users of marine data products. The contract particularly addresses seaborne, in situ, observations and the uptake of Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS). Mercator Ocean is an EU Entrusted Entity with responsibility to deliver the CMEMS service within the current EU multi-annual financial framework 2014-2020.

The EuroGOOS – Mercator Ocean contract will help build closer links with national ocean observing programmes towards a fit-for-purpose CMEMS. EuroGOOS will collect and assess information about the current in-situ systems in Europe and determine priority actions towards a long-term integration. Furthermore, EuroGOOS will develop a communication strategy to improve the awareness of the European policy and decision-makers of the importance of the in-situ marine observations, and complementarities between the leading European marine data initiatives and services, namely CMEMS, EMODnet and SeaDataNet.

Press release is available on the Copernicus Marine Service website