On 8 September 2016, MEP Ricardo Serrão Santos is hosting an EOOS event at the European Parliament entitled ‘Building a European Ocean Observing System’. This event will be the first dedicated conference on EOOS and will help laying its foundation.
The EOOS event at the European Parliament will bring European policy and decision makers together with the ocean observing community, to engage in a direct dialogue and discussions on needs and ambitions for a strong, integrated and sustained European ocean observing capacity.
The need for an end-to-end European Ocean Observing System has been expressed by the oceanographic and scientific community during the development of the European Union’s Integrated Maritime Policy in 2007. In 2008, EuroGOOS and European Marine Board released a joint vision document to outline the concept of this framework. Since then, EOOS has featured in a number of scientific and science-policy documents, among others, EuroOCEAN conference declarations 2010 and 2014, European Marine Board’s Navigating the Future IV 2013, European Commission expert report on marine research infrastructures 2013, EuroGOOS Strategy 2014, ESFRI Roadmap 2016, as well as a number of strategic research agendas.
Programme and registration available on the event’s webpage