Award ceremony of the ‘Kostas Nittis Medal’, EMD 2015, 28 May. From left: Pablo Lorente, Commissioner Karmenu Vella and Erik Buch (EuroGOOS Chair)
European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, awarded the first Kostas Nittis Medal to Mr. Pablo Lorente during the celebration of European Maritime Day in Athens on 28 May 2015. The Kostas Nittis medal was established in 2015 in the honour of Dr. Kostas Nittis (1964-2014), distinguished oceanographer, EuroGOOS Secretary General and strategic leader.
Pablo Lorente, a young scientist from EuroGOOS member organisation Puertos del Estado (Spain), has been awarded the medal this year, complemented by a grant of 3,000 EUR to allow him present his research at relevant international meetings, expanding his network of research partners and potential employers.