7th EuroGOOS Conference: programme out now

A draft programme of the 7th EuroGOOS Conference, which is going to be held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, 28-30 Oct, has been published. Click

 to view and download it. A more detailed programme will be published in the few coming weeks.

The two and a half day Conference will include plenary, splinter and poster sessions as well as round table discussions. Posters will be displayed for the entire conference and a dedicated session will take place on Tuesday 28 October between 5 and 7.30 pm.

A welcome reception has been arranged on Monday 27 October at 6.30 pm at the premises of the Hydrographic Institute of Portugal. The Conference dinner will take place on Wednesday 29 October at 8 pm, location TBA.

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Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (left) and the Hydrographic Institute of Portugal (right) in Lisbon.