RInES Conference: research and innovation at the service of economy and society

A flagship event of the Greek Presidency of the EU Council, to be held 29-30 May, 2014 at Thessaloniki Concert Hall in Greece.

The overall objective of the Conference is to highlight the important role of the International Cooperation/INCO for the EU itself by reinforcing the collaboration with European Neighbourhood/EN and Black Sea region (BS region).

It will be the first time that the Neighbourhood countries and the Black Sea region will work together with the EU towards a common approach on research and innovation issues, not only on policy options but also on two sectors of high importance of the Societal challenges of the HORIZON2020:

  • Marine research and the maritime strategy in Neighbourhood countries and the BS region within the frame of sustainable management of ecosystems, marine bio-geo resources, fisheries and offshore renewable energy
  • Sustainable Energy & Clean Technologies Applications, towards a Low/Zero Carbon Energy Future for the region

The RInES Conference is envisaged to result in the “Thessaloniki declaration”, a Joint Declaration, possibly accompanied by a roadmap regarding the further steps and the way forward for the EU INCO Policy and external R&I relations in the above-mentioned target countries.

The Conference is co-organised by DG Research, CERTH, GSRT and HCMR.

For more info visit the Conference website.