INTAROS final synthesis report meeting


The EU project INTegrated ARctic Observation System (INTAROS) has been ongoing for five years and will hold its final meeting in January 2022. INTAROS worked to help build an efficient integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic.

The INTAROS project is coordinated by the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) in Bergen, Norway, with Professor Stein Sandven (chair of the EuroGOOS Arctic ROOS) leading the work. INTAROS is one of four EU projects focusing on the Arctic and it contributes to the implementation of EU Arctic Strategy. INTAROS brings together expertise from 49 partner organisations in 20 different countries in Europe, North America and Asia with the long-­term goal to implement an integrated sustainable Arctic Observation System for future generations.

EuroGOOS is partner in the project responsible for delivering recommendations on the system requirements (through an interface with stakeholders spanning science, policy and industry), developing a business case and an economic benefits analysis, and contributing to the international activities.

Further information is available on the project’s website.

