EuroGOOS FerryBox Task Team Meeting

24/04/2019 - 26/04/2019

The EuroGOOS FerryBox Task Team will organize this meeting to discuss the benefits of Ships of Opportunity for measuring environmental variables, e.g. in eutrophication, ocean acidification, and microplastics; the integration of Ships of Opportunity observations in models; and data management issues. A joint session with ICOS will also be invited on ship-based carbonate system observations.

FerryBox systems on Ships of Opportunity facilitate an increasing amount of physical, chemical, and biological observations from the ocean and atmosphere. This observation system is part of larger European ocean observing networks coordinated by EuroGOOS and JERICO-RI, and the data are handled primarily by the EuroGOOS Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems (ROOS), CMEMS INSTAC, and EMODnet Physics at the European level. Contributions related to underway measurements from outside of the FerryBox community (e.g. ICOS, SOOP-XBT) are welcome to enhance knowledge exchange and future cooperation. 

Glenn Nolan will represent EuroGOOS at this event.

Further information is available here

Genoa Aquarium

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