MSP Stakeholder series: 6 Maritime Spatial Planning Worldwide

23/06/2016 - 24/06/2016

European Commission DG MARE is holding the sixth stakeholder conference on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) focussing on MSP worldwide. The conference will present experiences, opportunities and challenges of MSP implementation around the world. It will look in particular at MSP’s economic benefits, at its potential as a climate adaptation tool as well as at the role of area-based management regimes in international waters. The main purpose will be to take stock of what is being done at international level and identify potential synergies with EU MSP.

Glenn Nolan, EuroGOOS Secretary General, will give a talk on the European and global ocean observing in the conference session dedicated to maritime spatial planning in international waters. Furthermore, EuroGOOS will profile the ongoing efforts in the development of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) and the EuroGOOS GOOS activities with relevant dissemination materials.

Download the conference programme here

University of the Azores

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